How we look after the environment
As an Agency of the Scottish Government, we are committed to protecting the environment for future generations. Our office in Tweedbank was designed specifically to minimise the impact on the local environment. One of the features is a green roof, which not only benefits the local wildlife and increases biodiversity, but also provides additional insultation during cold weather.
Sustainability Reporting
The Agency is committed to improving environmental performance as part of the wider commitment to sustainable development. We set targets to help us do this, for more information please read our environmental performance reports below.
Biodiversity Duty
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 places climate change duties on Scottish public bodies. Each year we submit our climate change duties report, detailing the climate change performance of our estate for that financial year, to the Scottish Sustainable Network.
As an Agency of the Scottish Government, we adopt many of the policies and practices established by the Scottish Government which then inform our actions at Tweedbank.
The Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) recognises the importance of tackling climate change and we are committed to reducing our impact on the environment through effective sustainable management of our operations and estate.