Understand how much you’ll get

In this section:

  • Annual Benefit Statements
  • Estimates and Pension calculator

Annual Benefit Statements

Annual benefit statements

The SPPA have a legal duty to provide you with regular details of your estimated pension benefits.

We automatically produce Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) for Firefighters' pension scheme members who are in active employment.

Accessing your Annual Benefit Statement

If you work for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, you can register for our online member portal where you can see and print copies of your annual benefit statement.

Your Annual Benefit Statement estimates your pension benefits built up to the end of the most recent financial year. This is based on your pensionable service and / or your salary details, which are confirmed by your employer.

2015 Remedy

On 1 April 2022, the 1992 and 2006 Firefighters' schemes closed to any future pension build-up. Members were moved into the 2015 Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Pension Scheme.

From 1 October 2023, eligible members will have the option to choose between their legacy or reformed scheme benefits when they retire. This choice relates to pension benefits built up during the period between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 and the information about the choice will be sent to retiring members in a choice letter called a ‘Remediable Service Statement’ (RSS). 

To illustrate what this will mean for your own pension benefits during your working career your ABS will be combined with an RSS in a document called an ‘ABS-RSS’. The ABS-RSS estimates your benefits in both the legacy scheme and reformed scheme.

A remedy calculator is available to use if you'd like to compare your legacy and reformed scheme benefits.

2015 Remedy Calculator

Using a Financial Adviser

If you’re still working for the Fire Service, SPPA can’t provide your Financial Adviser with an estimate.

You can download your ABS from our online member portal and send it to them directly.

If you have left Fire Service employment, we can accept requests from financial advisers as long as they can provide a mandate signed by you, authorising the release of the requested information.

We will provide a statement showing the value of your pension benefits when they were preserved and guidance on using our Preserved Calculator.

More information can be found at The Money and Pensions Service

Pension Estimates and Calculators

Firefighters' Pension Calculator 

How to calculate your benefits

To estimate the value of your Firefighters’ pension scheme benefits on any retirement date selected by you, just download our handy calculator.

It's a Microsoft Excel file and should cover the needs* of members of members of the various Scottish Firefighters’ pension schemes other than members of the Retained Firefighters’ Modified Pension Scheme. The calculator also accommodates members who have benefits in more than one scheme. When you use the calculator you'll get:

  • an illustration of benefits, in today's money terms, that may become payable at a retirement date selected by you
  • a description of the benefits payable for each scheme you've been a member of
  • an estimate of the maximum lump sum that could be payable
  • a printable copy of your personal illustration.

You may find it useful to have your most recent Annual Benefit Statement available while you're using the calculator.

Please note that the illustration is not a guarantee, nor is the calculator intended to provide you with financial advice. If you require financial advice, you should contact an independent financial adviser.

*The calculator does not cover: the effect of pensions tax charges on your benefits; information about any optional benefits such as additional pension and additional voluntary contributions; survivor benefits payable in the event of your death.


Download the Firefighters’ Pension Calculator

Further reading

Firefighters’ Pension Calculator FAQs

Glossary of commonly used terms.

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