Employees who Re Join the Scheme after opting out

Excluding Auto-Enrolment, an application in writing should be made to the employer where a member who has opted out of the scheme, or who previously chose not to join, now applies to join or re-join the scheme.

As long as the member meets the qualifying criteria the application should be accepted at any time before retirement unless the applicant is on unpaid leave.

SPPA will advise if there is any doubt about an employee's right to re join the scheme.

Re Joining After Retirement

Former scheme members who have received their STSS retirement benefits can re join the scheme, providing they are under age 75 and have not accrued the maximum service of 45 years.

SPPA must be notified immediately when a member becomes re-employed.

In line with other public sector pension scheme, members who are re-employed after taking their pension benefits must have a break of at least one calendar day between ceasing membership of the scheme and becoming entitled to receive pension benefits, as there must be evidence of clear intention on the part of the member to retire.

SPPA should also be notified immediately when any teacher or pensioner changes their employer within an employing authority. All re-employment after 1st October 2001 is pensionable unless the teacher opts out of the STSS.

Members who have been in receipt of a pension should be reminded about their responsibility to notify SPPA when taking up re-employment in any capacity (whether superannuable or non superannuable). Failure to notify SPPA may mean that pension benefits are overpaid. Any overpayment would be recovered from the pensioner.


Earnings from re-employed service are assessed annually at the end of each financial year (31 March).

During any period of re-employment, a teacher's pension may be partially or fully abated, by the amount by which their pension (including any compensation payment or other UK teacher's pension) plus their re-employment salary exceeds their salary of reference.

Returning to STSS employment after retiring due to ill health

All teachers employers are required to inform SPPA if a pensioner is employed in any capacity.

Ill health benefits are awarded because the member has been found to be permanently unable to do their own job. If the member has been awarded PIB and return to STSS employment their benefits may be reduced or even stopped possibly resulting in overpayments.

If the member is awarded TIB they may rejoin the STSS and give up their benefits, providing they obtain a medical certificate from a medical practitioner.

Members are advised to contact SPPA directly about the effects of re-employment whilst in receipt of ill health benefits.

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