Top 5 forms:

  1. Retirement application - NHS:RET (word version) (PDF Version)
  2. Opt Out - NHS Employees (excluding practitioners)
  3. Opt Out - Practitioners Only
  4. Ill Health Retirement Application - AW8
  5. Allocate Pension to a Beneficiary - NHS (ALLOC)

All Forms

  1. Additional Pension Benefits Quote - APQUOT
  2. Allocate Pension to a Beneficiary - NHS (ALLOC)
  3. Allocate Pension to a Beneficiary (Medical Evidence) - NHS (ALLOC) MED 2
  4. Annex D: Assistant Practitioners and Salaried GPs – Annual Self-assessment Form
  5. Buy Pre-1988 Service for Nominated Partners Benefits - SB1
  6. Cancellation of Additional Pension Contract - NHS (AP CES)
  7. Capitalisation of Pension and Compensation Payments (Employer) - CAP 1
  8. Change Bank or Building Society Details - AW7/1
  9. Change of Details
  10. Death Benefits for Widow(er)/Partner - AW6
  11. Death in Service Benefits for Widow(er)/Partner - AW7
  12. Declaration of Entitlement to the Estate - Small Estates
  13. Dependents Allowance Award - AW9
  14. Divorce Cash Equivalent Transfer Value Application - NHS CETV
  15. Divorce Pension Equivalent Transfer Value Application - NHS PETV
  16. Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO) Quote
  17. Employment Details (Employer) - SB115
  18. Executor of the Estate Application
  19. Ill Health Retirement Application - AW8
  20. Ill Health Retirement Early Payment of Preserved Benefits - AW8P
  21. Ill Health Retirement Early Payment of Preserved Benefits Medical Report - AW8P MED
  22. Ill Health Retirement Medical Report - AW8 MED
  23. Individual Protection 2014 Application
  24. Individual Protection 2016 Application
  25. Injury Benefits Application - INJ1
  26. Joiner Questionnaire (Transferring Service In)
  27. Lump Sum on Death Nomination
  28. Notification of Payment of Widow(er)/Partner Pension (Employer) - AW10
  29. Opt Out - NHS Employees (excluding practitioners)
  30. Opt Out - Practitioners Only
  31. Opt In - Practitioners Only
  32. Overseas Payment Forms (TAPS Mandates) / Charges and Worldlink Payment Guide
  33. Partner Nomination
  34. Protection of Pensionable Pay - VPP
  35. Purchase Unreduced Lump Sum Retiring Allowance - SB 2A
  36. Refund of Scheme Contributions
  37. Re-imburse Payment of Widow(er)/Partner Pension (Employer) - AW10/1
  38. Re-instatement of Widow(er)s Pension - AW6/3
  39. Resource Account Information Request (Employer)
  40. Resource Account Information Request CARE (Employer)
  41. Retirement application - NHS:RET (word version) (PDF Version)
  42. Retirement application (Practitioners only) - PRAC:RET (word version) (PDF version)
  43. Retirement application revision form (Employers only) - (word version) (PDF version)
  44. Tapered Resource Template (Employer)