If you’re eligible for 2015 Remedy and still paying into a pension, you’ll be asked to make a Remedy choice when you apply to retire.
Asking you to make this choice when you retire means you’ll know exactly what you’re entitled to under each option, making it easier to make the right decision for you.
When to expect your Remedy choice
When you apply to retire, we’ll offer you a choice between your final salary benefits and your CARE benefits for your service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022. This is called the Remedy period.
These are sometimes known as ‘legacy’ benefits and ‘reformed’ benefits.
All Police members started building up pension in the CARE scheme from 1 April 2022.
To help you decide, we’ll send you a choice letter, known as a Remediable Service Statement (RSS). This will show your pension benefits side-by-side in your final salary and CARE scheme for the Remedy period, to help you decide which option is the right one for you.
Annual Benefit Statements
Your Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) has been combined with a Remediable Service Statement (RSS) into a new document called an ABS-RSS.
From 1 October 2023, eligible members who contributed to the 2015 Care Scheme between the 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2022 (the remedy period) are being moved back to their Legacy Scheme for this pensionable period. This action is taking place to enable members to make a choice for the remedy period.
During the remedy period, you will have paid contributions at the 2015 Care Scheme rates. By moving members back to their legacy scheme for this period, you will either owe or be owed the difference in contributions due.
We are currently in the process of issuing your ABS-RSS and will notify you by email once it is available on our member self-service portal. Please register if you have not already done so. It is very important that you sign-up so that you can make a decision on correcting your contributions. If you haven’t received your ABS-RSS yet, please don’t worry - you will receive it soon.
Further guidance on Contributions
We’ll continue to send you an ABS-RSS every year that you pay into the pension scheme.
Members who have deferred their pension will get an ABS-RSS by 31 August 2025.
Sign up to MSS to see your Annual Benefit Statements.
Annual Allowance
We are working through a number of issues relating to Annual Allowance and will make Pension Savings Statements and Remediable Pension Savings Statements available as soon as these have been resolved. We are unable at this time to provide any certainty around when your statement will be issued. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.
If you have not received a PSS or RPSS and think you might incur an Annual Allowance tax charge in the tax year 2023/2024, you will still be required to submit a self-assessment regardless of whether you have received a statement or not.
We have produced a video resource to help members in estimating their Annual Allowance charge as part of self-assessment.
Completing your self-assessment tax return
For information about the 2015 Remedy and Annual Allowance, please visit our Impacts of Remedy on Annual Allowance webpage.
I’ve received a letter about my Additional Pension
If you bought an Additional Pension arrangement, you have a choice of what happens to this for your service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 – this is called the Remedy period.
We need you to confirm what you’d like to do. To help you make your decision, the letter includes:
- A decision guide, including a personalised table of your options
- A decision form to complete and send back to us
Take some time to review your options, then sign and send your form to confirm your decision.
You have 6 months to make your decision, but please tell us when you’re ready so we can make sure you’re paid the benefits you want when you retire.
If you have more than one Additional Pension arrangement in the Remedy period, you need to make a decision for each one.