I’m retired
Up until March 2025, we’ll offer you a choice between your final salary benefits and your CARE benefits for your service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022. This is called the Remedy period.
These are sometimes known as ‘legacy’ benefits and ‘reformed’ benefits.
To help you decide, we’ll send you a choice letter, known as a Remediable Service Statement (RSS). This will show your pension benefits side-by-side in your final salary and CARE scheme for the Remedy period, to help you decide which option is the right one for you.
When we’ll contact you
Your remedy choice
We’ll write to you to make your choice by sending you a Remediable Service Statement (RSS).
This table shows when you can expect this, depending on which type of member you are. These dates have been changed to reflect an updated delivery timetable.
Type of member | When will I be asked to make my choice |
I retired due to ill health | From September 2024* |
I’m a surviving family member or dependant of a pension scheme member who died in service | From September 2024* |
I’m a surviving family member or dependant of a pension scheme member who retired due to ill health | From September 2024* |
I'm retired and moved into the reformed scheme on or after 1 April 2015 (not ill-health retirement) | From October 2024 |
I'm retired and moved into the reformed scheme on or after 1 April 2015 | From October 2024 |
I'm retired and remained in the FPS 1992 legacy scheme after 1 April 2015 | From October 2024 |
I’m retired and remained in the FPS 2006 legacy scheme after 1 April 2015 | From October 2024 |
I’m a surviving family member or dependant of a pension scheme member of the legacy (final salary) scheme (non ill-health) | From October 2024 |
*Initially these dates were January 2024 to May 2024, however we had to postpone production due to awaiting information from HMRC and HM Treasury.
Contributions and Remedy
From 1 October 2023, eligible members who contributed to the 2015 Care Scheme between the 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2022 (the remedy period) are being moved back to their Legacy Scheme for this pensionable period. This action is taking place to enable you to make a choice for the remedy period.
During the remedy period, you will have paid contributions at the 2015 Care Scheme rates. By moving you back to your legacy scheme for this period, you will either owe or be owed the difference in contributions due. Corrections due to your contributions will be made when you make your Remedy choice.
I’ve received an Ill Health Retirement Review letter
I’ve received an Ill Health Retirement Review letter
We’re reviewing ill health pensions for members who are eligible for 2015 Remedy. This is to understand whether you would have been eligible for ill-health benefits under your alternative pension scheme.
We’ll use the evidence that was provided at the time of your original application so you won’t need to send us any new information or be examined by a medical professional.
Once the review is completed, we’ll contact you with the outcome and tell you what to do next. We won’t make any changes to your pension as a result of the review.
If you want us to review your pension
So that the review can be carried out, you need to give us your consent. If you don’t consent to a review your Remediable Service Statement might not include ill-health benefits for your alternative pension scheme. You can tell us by returning the decision form included with the letter.