Teachers Remedy Cost Reimbursement Scheme

If you are eligible for the 2015 Remedy and had pension accrued in the 2015 Scheme during the remedy period, your pension has been rolled back into the legacy scheme and we will send you a Remediable Service Statement (RSS) to make a remedy choice. This will detail your pension benefits in both your legacy scheme (final salary) and the new career average revalued earnings (CARE) scheme for the period between 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022, known as ‘the remedy period’.   

Cost reimbursement may be available if you are directly affected by the 2015 Remedy. You may apply to claim back some types of direct financial losses incurred as a result of the discrimination that was found in the pension reforms, or the application of the remedy.

We are currently finalising the application process. Further guidance and information on how to apply is coming soon.

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