Paying into a pension
If you’re eligible for 2015 Remedy and still paying into a pension, you’ll be asked to make a Remedy choice when you apply to retire.
Asking you to make this choice when you retire means you’ll know exactly what you’re entitled to under each option, making it easier to make the right decision for you.
When to expect your Remedy choice
When you apply to retire, we’ll offer you a choice between legacy scheme (final salary) and reformed scheme (CARE) benefits for the pension you built up between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022. This is called the remedy period.
To help you decide, we’ll send you a choice letter, known as a Remediable Service Statement (RSS). This will show your pension benefits side-by-side in the final salary and CARE scheme for the remedy period, to help you decide which option is the right one for you. Your service for the Remedy period will be automatically moved into your legacy scheme until you’ve made your choice.
Annual Benefit Statements
If you are eligible for 2015 Remedy, your Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) will look a little different from now on. It will be combined with a Remediable Service Statement (RSS) so that you can keep track of benefits in the alternative scheme. This statement is called an ABS-RSS.
We have commenced issuing ABS-RSS and expect to complete delivery by 30 April 2025 and we’ll continue to send an ABS-RSS every year that you pay into the pension scheme. This year it will be issued by email to most members, although some members will get their ABS-RSS by post.
If you have a deferred pension, your ABS-RSS will be issued by 31 August 2025.
To help you work out what you will receive when you retire, you can use one of our pension calculators:
If you require an estimate to support with retirement planning or other life events, an estimate can be provided if you are:
- At retirement age and ready/thinking about retirement
- Within six months of retirement
- Requiring an estimate pending redundancy, divorce, ill- health or for mortgage applications
- Are not able to use the calculators
The SPPA is committed to delivering the best service possible for our members. We regret that your ABS-RSS will not be available sooner, this is due to the complexities of delivering the 2015 Remedy.
I’ve received my Annual Benefit Statement – support and guidance
If you have received your ABS-RSS, these resources will help you to understand your statement.
Enquiries relating to my ABS-RSS
Why does my ABS look different this year?
If you are eligible for the 2015 Remedy, your Annual Benefit Statement or ABS looks a little different. It’s been combined with a Remediable Service Statement or RSS, into a new document called an ABS-RSS.
What is a Remediable Service Statement?
A Remediable Service Statement, sometimes shortened to an RSS, is a statement which must be provided to you if you are eligible for the 2015 Remedy to enable you to make an informed choice about your benefit options for remediable service when you retire.
What is remediable service?
Remediable service is any pensionable service that occurs in the remedy period, between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022, and which meets the criteria set out in the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Act 2022.
What is the 2015 Remedy?
When public sector pensions were reformed, discrimination was found in the transitional protections offered to some older scheme members. As a result, all members who are eligible for 2015 remedy are being offered a choice of which pension benefits they want to take between the legacy (final salary) scheme and reformed (CARE) scheme for the remedy period. You can find out more on our Remedy Hub.
Why have I not received an ABS-RSS?
ABS-RSS are being issued in batches due to the volumes that are being processed. We are planning to issue statements for Active (in work) members by the end of March.
If you are affected by any of the following, these won’t be reflected in the figures you find in your ABS-RSS:
- Pension Sharing on Divorce
- Scheme Pays
If any of the following scenarios apply to you, we are unable to provide an ABS-RSS at this time. We will update our website with the expected delivery timeline:
- Transferred in service in the remedy period
- Added years
- Added Pension
- Mental Health Officer
Deferred members will receive their ABS-RSS later in the year.
Why have I received a paper copy of my ABS-RSS?
If we do not have a valid email address for you, we have sent your ABS-RSS by post. You can tell us your email address by contacting us and using our webform.
Lifetime Allowance (LTA) was abolished so why am I seeing LTA information on my ABS-RSS?
The LTA is still included because members with fixed or individual protection will still need to use this information.
I have received my ABS-RSS and some of the personal details are incorrect?
If your name, address or marital status is incorrect, please update your personal details in line with your employer process to ensure that your HR/Payroll record reflects your correct details.
Can I correct my email address?
You can update your email address by contacting us and providing the updated email address on our webform.
I have updated my personal information. Will my ABS-RSS be re-issued?
Your personal information will be updated but you won’t get a replacement ABS-RSS at this time. Your next ABS-RSS is due to be issued by 31st August 2025 and this will reflect the changes made as submitted by your employer.
What is the salary used on my statement?
The salary used is from information that is provided annually by your employer. If your salary information is incorrect, please contact your employer.
The service in my ABS-RSS is incorrect?
You can find out how your service is represented on your statement by reviewing the guide to your Annual Benefit Statement on our website: Keep track of your pension.
If you still think the service is incorrect, you can contact the SPPA using our webform.
I can’t find the answer to my question
Please use the SPPA’s webform for any other queries not already addressed.
Annual Allowance
We are working through a number of issues relating to Annual Allowance and will make Pension Savings Statements and Remediable Pension Savings Statements available as soon as these have been resolved. We are unable at this time to provide any certainty around when your statement will be issued. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.
If you have not received a PSS or RPSS and think you might incur an Annual Allowance tax charge in the tax year 2023/2024, you will still be required to submit a self-assessment regardless of whether you have received a statement or not.
We have produced a video resource to help members in estimating their Annual Allowance charge as part of self-assessment.
Completing your self-assessment tax return
For information about the 2015 Remedy and Annual Allowance, please visit our Impacts of Remedy on Annual Allowance webpage.
I’ve received a letter about my Additional Pension
If you bought an Additional Pension arrangement, you have a choice of what happens to this for your service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 – this is called the Remedy period.
We need you to confirm what you’d like to do. To help you make your decision, the letter includes:
- A decision guide, including a personalised table of your options
- A decision form to complete and send back to us
Take some time to review your options, then sign and send your form to confirm your decision.
You have 6 months to make your decision, but please tell us when you’re ready so we can make sure you’re paid the benefits you want when you retire.
If you have more than one Additional Pension arrangement in the Remedy period, you need to make a decision for each one.
Annual Allowance
The UK Government have agreed that if, because of Remedy, the amount of Additional Pension you buy changes, it will not impact on your Annual Allowance.
I’ve received a letter about my Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out
If you bought an Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out arrangement, you have a choice of what happens to this for your service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 – this is called the Remedy period.
We need you to confirm what you’d like to do. To help you make your decision, the letter includes:
- A decision guide, including a personalised table of your options
- A decision form to complete and send back to us
Take some time to review your options, then sign and send your form to confirm your decision.
You have 6 months to make your decision, but please tell us when you’re ready so we can make sure you’re paid the benefits you want when you retire.
More information