The Agency Audit and Risk Committee is a sub-committee of the Management Advisory Board and meets on a regular basis. It is made up of three non–executives from the Management Advisory Board.

Mark Adderley - Member


Mark Adderley is an experienced people and transformation director, and now non-executive director, coach and consultant. After 20 years at the top of organisations, Mark now advises leaders on facilitating change.

Mark worked on the RBS/Nat West acquisition and integration and then went to Scottish Water as Director of HR, Transformation and Business Services, after some time as CEO of the National Trust for Scotland, Mark moved into the NHS and then Heriot-Watt University as HR and OD Director, in the latter role leading on people issues across the globe.

Mark has a Passion for enabling people be the best they can be, and is now studying for a Doctorate (DBA) in 'changing leaders in changing times’, and how new leaders can accelerate change. After 15 years as an HR Director, Mark has a good understanding of the importance of pensions to individuals and organisations. He is fellow of the IOD and CIPD, and has outside interests in equality, squash and his own family of 4 girls and various animals.

Jane Malcolm - Member


Jane is Executive Director, External and Corporate Affairs at the Solicitors Regulation Authority, where she leads on external engagement and communications, equalities and governance. Prior to joining the SRA in 2014, she held a series of senior roles at the General Medical Council and before that led UK and European policy development at the Federation of Small Businesses. Jane is a Council member of the General Teaching Council of Scotland, sits on the Scottish Public Pensions Agency Management Advisory Board and is a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Guidance, terms and policies for committee members are available in Corporate Governance Policies.

The People Committee will advise the Agency’s Accountable Officer and the Management Advisory Board on colleague engagement, people development and capability, health and wellbeing, capacity and resourcing, recruitment, equality, diversity and inclusion. 

The reports of the meetings are available below:

Terms of Reference 

Meeting Minutes:



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