How we manage our resources

The following information describes SPPA’s policies and strategies for managing our human, physical and information resources

Human resources

SPPA’s Human Resources Team delivers the Agency's personnel-related functions. Although we have our own personnel team, we’ve adopted the Scottish Government’s personnel policies.

The Agency has delegated personnel responsibilities including :

  • Recruitment
  • Promotion
  • Pay progression
  • Conduct and discipline
  • Special leave
  • Absence management
  • Performance management

All vacancies, where external recruitment is required, are advertised in the local press and at Work for Scotland (opens in a new tab).

Our human resources policies, procedures, guidelines and staffing structure are outlined in the Scottish Government’s Staff Handbook which is a statement of the terms and conditions of service for Scottish Government staff. Information on the key areas of our human resource policies are highlighted below.

The Scottish Government is responsible for its own recruitment practices and procedures for bands A, B and C within the framework laid down by the Civil Service Order in Council 1995 and the Recruitment Code issued under it by the Civil Service Commissioners (Civil Service Commissioners' Recruitment Code).

The aim of the Scottish Government's performance management system is to create a high-performing organisation that’s well equipped to meet day-to-day and future challenges, to improve the way we work and the quality of service we provide to Cabinet Secretaries, Ministers and the people of Scotland.

For salary and grading, the Scottish Government determines the remuneration of its staff below Senior Civil Service level. Responsibility for Senior Civil Service pay has not been delegated by the Scottish Government although it may exercise discretion within a broad framework laid down by Cabinet Office.

Under the Civil Service Management Code, Civil Service employers have authority to determine promotion and lateral transfer arrangements for their own staff, subject to certain conditions. Paragraph 6.4 of the Code explains the position.

The Civil Service pension scheme (opens in a new tab) is set by statute. It is managed by Cabinet Office, supported by a Governance Group of representatives nominated by Cabinet Office and the Council of Civil Service Unions. 

Disciplinary rules and procedures (opens in a new tab) promote orderly employment relations, fairness and consistency in the treatment of individuals. The procedures described here help ensure that the standards described elsewhere in the Conduct section are applied. 

Disagreements, normally of a minor nature, are dealt with under the procedure in Grievance (opens in a new tab) and more serious disputes will normally be dealt with under appeal procedures dedicated to particular circumstances. 

Employee relations structures and agreements

Management and the Trade Union Side of the Scottish Government Main bargaining unit (SGM) are committed to conducting their industrial and employee relations business in partnership. That business covers all matters relating to the general welfare, terms and conditions and working practices of staff.

The Scottish Government recognises three Civil Service unions, which are represented by the Council of Scottish Government Unions for collective bargaining purposes: 

  • Public and Commercial Services (PCS)
  • Prospect
  • First Division Association (FDA)

Physical resources

SPPA is committed the continuous improvement of its environmental performance, to increase energy efficiency and (where possible) to minimise its use of resources. Further details of how we manage our land and property assets are contained within our Annual Report and Accounts. Please note that SPPA does not own any land or buildings and that its estate development plans and maintenance arrangements are not applicable in these circumstances.

Information resources

Records management policy

SPPA follows the retention and disposal schedules used by the Scottish Government for all documents it creates and holds. These schedules set out the lengths of time that different types of records must be kept. This means that although the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act is retrospective, it is only possible to provide copies of Scottish Government records that are still in existence. The current policy and procedures in relation to records management are set out in The Scottish Government's Records Management Plan (opens in a new tab)

Information governance and asset management policies and procedures

The IT Code of Conduct applies to all users of the Scottish Government's SCOTS system or of any other IT systems supplied by the Scottish Government and its Agencies. The code also extends to IT systems supplied by a third party other than the Scottish Government to be used in the furtherance of Scottish Government business. The code also covers individuals seconded to the Government and others (e.g. contractors) who might transmit information across Scottish Government or public networks using e-mail or internet services.

List of statistical information published by the SPPA

Statistical information published by SPPA can be accessed in the Agency Expenditure section of our website and in our Annual Report and Accounts.

More information

Scottish Government Finance

See further financial information (opens in a new tab) published by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Public Finance Manual

Guidance (opens in a new tab) on the reporting and handling of public funds.

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