SPPA’s functions and services

There are a number of readily available information sources that describe SPPA’s work and our strategy and policies for delivering our statutory functions and services.


The statutory basis and description of SPPA’s functions are outlined in Annexes A and B of our Framework Document.

Our strategies, policies and staff procedures for performing our statutory functions are outlined in our Corporate Plan.


A list of the services we provide (and the statutory basis for them) is included within our Framework Document.

Our service policies and staff procedures, including allocation, quality assurance and expected standards are outlined in our Corporate Plan.

Provision of information for service users

Our website is our main source of information for people who use our services. It has been designed to help you find the information you require and to help you access the services we provide.

Reporting our statutory functions

We report annually on SPPA's statutory functions. These details can be found in the relevant section of our Annual Report and Accounts.

Fees and charges

Some of our services incur charges for our service users. These are either outlined below or in more complex cases, a link is provided to take you to a detailed explanation of the charging structure.

Capitalisation Work

£300 + VAT per individual

Late Payment of Contributions

8% interest (employer), 4% interest (member)

Moving Pension Scheme

No charge

Personal Data Requests (Data Protection)

No charge, except in limited circumstances



Pensions on Divorce or Dissolution of Civil Partnership


Pension Estimates

 (NHS, STSS, Police, Fire)

Reporting concerns to SPPA

If you have any concerns about SPPA or its work, please contact us or write to:

Head of Customer Services

Scottish Public Pensions Agency

7 Tweedside Park




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