Current Vacancies

Software Engineer
Working pattern: Full time   Salary: £36,585.00 Per Annum    Pay Supplement: £5,000.00/Per Annum
Closing Date: 02 July 2024     

Category: Digital Data and Technology

Information about the role: 

The Scottish Public Pensions Agency is an Agency of the Scottish Government. Our principal role is to administer the pensions for employees in the National Health Service, Teachers’, Police and Fire-fighters’ pension schemes in Scotland. The Agency administers these public service pension schemes on behalf of Scottish Ministers with an annual pension spend to over 200,000 pensioners of more than £2.5 billion.

We are seeking a talented Senior Python Software Engineer to join our team and take the lead in developing and maintaining new software for our pensions administration service. This role is an exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of improved services for Scottish public sector workers. The post involves designing, implementing, and optimizing Python-based applications for pension management, award calculations, contributions, benefits, and projections. You will have a background in software engineering, experience in Python programming, and an understanding of complex numerical calculations.

If you're interested in joining our team and would like to know more about the role, click 'apply now'.

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