Preserved Benefits Estimate

If you're a former member of the Legal Aid (Scotland) Pension Scheme Pre 2010 or Post 2010 sections, you can use the Preserved Benefits Estimate Calculator to estimate your retirement benefits.

The calculator will allow preserved members of the scheme to estimate their own current preserved benefits. Whilst we have made every effort to ensure accuracy, the figures stated are estimated only. Exact figures for retirement benefits cannot be given until such time as an application for retirement benefits has been made in accordance with the scheme rules.

Before you start, you should:

  • have your preserved benefits letter and certificate to hand*
  • read the guidance notes provided on the calculator

if you are an active member and wish to use this calculator, you can find the information on your most recent benefit statement.

This calculator should provide:

  • an estimated illustration of your preserved benefits at today’s value (including transferred in service and added years)
  • a printable letter and certificate of the results provided
  • a retirement estimate if you've reached age 55 (including any reduced benefits if applicable)

This calculator does not provide: the effect of pensions tax charges on your benefits, details of future state pension or private pension provision, details of any survivor benefits payable in the event of your death or details of terminal ill health benefits.


If you have any issues with completing the calculator fields or with the figures provided, please contact the PSOD Team.

Download the Preserved Benefits Calculator here

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